Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Object - Scouts neckerchief

I've been a scout for  seven years and it's so fun and challenging to be a scout. Many of my memories are involved with scouting...

When I was seven, I had my first overnight camp, and I was the ONLY girl. I was wearing Eeyore pyjamas and holding an Eeyore teddy - all of the boys laughed at me. I cried so much, they sent me home...As you can see, I showed SO much potential. Ha. 

Since then, I've had some brilliant times! I have been on four summer camps, and have met so many new people and done some amazing things! My Sea Scout group took me to Guernsey, the New Forest and PGL.

One of my most memorable summer camp was Brumjam. Brumjam was a jamboree in Birmingham, where people from all over the world came to meet each other and camp on a huge site. We met two Norwegian boys called 'Vilhelm' and I can't spell the other's name?  We also met some lovely Scottish girls, and some hilarious Northern Irish boys. I've found a few of them on facebook, but some, i've never spoken to since... I do miss everyone I met on Brumjam so much. I remember complete strangers holding 'free hugs' signs and everyone would just run up to each other and embrace..

A week before Christmas, every year, we camp outside in the snow, in minus degrees and have a giant Christmas dinner and watch movies - it's like spending your holidays with a massive family. The food is divine..

There are some people that are 'weird' and a group kids that you just don't talk to, and even the scout leaders get on our nerves so much sometimes! But without them, we wouldn't even be scouting, and  all together, we're one huge family

I've got my Chief Gold Scout Award which is the highest you can get in scouts. As I progress further through my life, I'd love to achieve even more respectable awards.

Book - The Goblet of Fire

When I was about ten, I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K Rowling. I'd grown up with the Harry Potter books, and every year when a new book came out, I'd run to 'Boarders' (which was a book store that has sadly shut down) with my mother, and buy the new novel. When I was younger, I believed in magic and Faeries, and definitely thought Harry Potter was probably real!
I have so many amazing memories about this book that definitely influenced my life at the time. 

As one of the tasks in the book, Harry has to swim for an hour in the Black Lake at Hogwarts.
Around the time of reading this chapter, I was given a seaweed bath bomb (which is the best thing ever) and the slimy seaweed was just like the weeds and magical sea plants in the book - you never knew what was hidden behind a crop of seaweed.

 Being ten, I loved the thought of magic, and so having a bath full of seaweed was just the best thing ever! It made me feel like I was in the Black Lake at Hogwarts. Another thing about this book that I love is the fact that there is so much that is not included in the movie... 

for example Hermionie makes up a club called S.P.E.W and if you've not read the book, you'll have no idea what that stands for. Also, Peevs the poltergeist plays a big part in the books, but doesn't exist AT ALL in the movies.

Film - Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is a film about a man who one day, sits at a bus stop, and tells random people about his life.
Even though he obtains a low IQ, he has taken part in many huge events such as:

  • Teaching Elvis to dance,
  • Becoming a football star,
  • Serving in Vietnam 
  • Defeating the Chinese champion table tennis team.
When I started watching this film,I thought it would be terrible, and so -like most teenagers do-  I took the mick out of the movie...
This included imitating Forrest's accent for about 10 minutes straight. However, it did soon captivate me.

And so, by the end of the movie, I felt so aspirational and as though I could do anything! The film had utterly inspired me to try and achieve the best that I could...
Forrest used the quote "
Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."  

I believe this quote is true! and although I won't be teaching Elvis to dance, I believe that anyone can end up in a place that they never expected to be.

For example, you could  be planning to spend four years studying geography at uni, but while there, who knows who you could meet ? and where life could take you?! We really have no idea until something crazy happens to ourselves.

Forrest running through the whole of America - not stopping.